food. drink. adventure. in every corner.

Submit a Spot

We're always game to check out new places, so tell us about your favorite restaurants, cafes and nightlife spots! Just fill out the form below with as much info as you have. If you have any questions, please email us at

Where is this place? Addresses are kind of useless in Chiang Mai, so please give us some landmarks and road names.
Is this Italian food? Thai food? A club with a dance floor? Live music? Cafe with big comfy couches?
What's your favorite thing to order here? This is important for restaurants.
Tell us about this place! What do you like about it? Why is it worth going to? How did you find it? Do you have any good stories that happened there?
Got any pictures? If you have more than one, please put them in a .zip or .rar for us.